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Drawing of a bald woman in armor and a fur cloak staring at a strange object in her hand. The object is shaped almost like a human, dotted with holes, and has a swirling darkness on its back. The woman’s expression is one of tired reflection. An iron crown sits atop her head.

Day 26 - Effigy

"Bearer of the curse, if you are to be the next monarch, then, one day, you will walk those grounds... without really knowing why." - Emerald Herald, Dark Souls 2

For this prompt, I genuinely couldn't think of anything other than the Human Effigies from Dark Souls 2, because I was watching TBSkyen's let's play at the time. I decided to draw his character contemplating one of the Effigies. Here's a link to the playlist, if anyone wants to check it out.

Program: Clip Studio Paint
Tablet: Artisul D16
Time taken: 4 hours